Opis forum
37. Ela usually sleeps long saturdays, but today she is going fishing.
38. Bad messages: fuel is going up again.
39. Do you speak some foreign languages?
52. Performance starts at 5 o'clock and persists 2 hours.
34. W przysz³ym tygodniu lecimy do Szkocji - Next week we fly to Scotland
35. Nie lubie brokulow - I don't like broccoli
36. Czemu tak d³ugo rozmawiasz przez tel ? - Why are you so long talking on the phone?
49. Nie znam tutaj nikogo - I know nobody here.
50. Sk±d pochodzi Twój dziadek - Where are your grandfather from?
51. W tym roku koñczê szko³e i idê na studia. - I'm finished school this year and i'm going to the university.
52. Przedstawienie zaczyna siê o 5 i trwa 2h. - Performance starts at 5 o'clock and last two hours.
54. In this semestr I don't learn at all (w tym semestrze wcale siê nie ucze)
Ostatnio edytowany przez gaca (2011-02-21 17:29:24)